Right in the Scene, you can quickly measure different elements of your model, like:

  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
  • Facet size
  • Inclusion position or size
  • Others

On this page:

Use grid and ruler

  1. From the main menu, select View > Show Grid.
  2. To disable the grid, clear the Show Grid checkbox.

As you zoom in/out, the grid step and units (mkm, mm) adjust to the current zoom level.

With the grid enabled, you can click   to display vertical and horizontal measurements (mm) of the projection of the displayed model in its current position.

Click  again to hide measurements

Measure width, length, and height

  1. Show grid and  ruler.
  2. Put the model in one of the standard positions: 

Measure position and size of inclusions

  1. Show grid.
  2. Zoom and rotate your model to the required position.

Estimate approximately girdle thickness parameters

Use the tool to estimate approximately different girdle thickness parameters:

Use the  Move tool (upper toolbar) to position conveniently (for example, the lower point of the girdle bezel on the "0" gridline).

Estimate approximately sizes of extra facets

  • No labels


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