Video | SweetLine - Time-Saving Approach to Getting Better Optical Performance
Published:2019, October 1Last Updated: 2019, December 5v.2.0

Video summary:

  • CrownAngle = 34.5 and PavilionAngle = 40.75 named Tolkowsky Point provide the best optical performance

  • Brilliants belonging to axis going through Tolkowsky Point with the negative slope 1:6 also provide excellent optical performance

  • The SweetLine parameter sticks solutions to this axis

  • There are two ways of using SweetLIne: via SweetLine profile or using your own editable profile with SweetLine, CrownAngle and PavilionAngle set to your needs

Video keywords: SweetLine, SweetLIne axis, optical performance, CrownAngle, PavilionAngle

Published in:Release Notes2019-10-23 - HPOxygen Server 5.3.42
DocumentationUsing SweetLine
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