
  1. Corrected mass is now displayed in the reports as two values, namely, with 2-digit and 4-digit precision.

    Reported inSectionUnitsBookmarks

    All reports (all cuts)



    CORRECTED_MASS_2 (2 digits, previously existing bookmark)

    CORRECTED_MASS_4 (4 digits, new bookmark)

  2. Scale Weight is now displayed in the reports with the same precision as it was entered, up to 5 decimal digits.


  1. Sync Stone with Model check box is made checked by default.

  2. Show Model on Photo check box is renamed to Show Model (since it applies not only to Photo view, but also to Scanner view) and made visible in all views.

    Note that while you are in Model view, unchecking Show Model does not make the model disappear.
  3. Check Holder Offset button is added to the Scan panel.
    Normally an offset check is done automatically, so this button is not needed. Use it if you want to run an extra check.
    Note that the button is only visible when the panel is set to Advanced mode.


  • Facet numbering in Comparative reports is fixed. 
  • Table edge calculation in a Round brilliant with extra facets is fixed. 
  • Occasional difference between HP Pacor and HPOxygen in facet type recognition on step cuts with extra facets is fixed. 
  • Occasional shift in facet numbering for Round brilliant is fixed. 


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