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User Cutting Registration

Main article: Custom Cut RegistrationIn-house cut registration

This stage includes obligatory normalization of the model you decided to use as cutting, then registration optimal normalization variant as a new cutting.

  1. For the scan, you want to register as cutting, run the "1819. SmartNormalize" algorithm. Several solutions are produced.
  2. From the solutions, produced by the "1819. SmartNormalize" algorithm, select the one you want to register as cutting.
  3. Right-click this solution, and from the context menu, select Register as new cutting... The dialog is displayed.
  4. In the Register new cutting dialog, if necessary, specify Facet Marking.

  5. Set Cutting name.
  6. Click Ok.


Adding Allocation Forms

Main article: Custom Cut RegistrationIn-house cut registration


This step is optional as AnyCut is able to run on a single base form (cutting itself). Still, it is recommended to register allocation forms, especially for the different W:L ratio, as it significantly improves allocation results.


  • To add a new allocation form from a scan:
    • For the scan, you want to register as the allocation form, run the "1819. SmartNormalize" algorithm. Several solutions are produced.
    • Among the solutions, produced by the "1819. SmartNormalize" algorithm, right-click the one you want to register as the allocation form.
    • From the context menu, select Add to allocation forms...The dialog is displayed.
    • In the Add to allocation forms... dialog, from the Cutting list, select the registered cutting, you want to add the allocation form to.
    • Facet Marking from the selected cutting is automatically applied to your new form. If necessary, adjust the Facet Marking.
    • Set Form name.

    • Click Ok.
  • To add a new allocation form from a solution:
    • Right-click the solution you want to use as an additional allocation form.
    • From the context menu, select Add to allocation forms...The dialog is displayed.
    • Further steps are the same, as described above for the normalized scans.
