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Playlist | Integration with Cutwise

HP Carbon supports integration with Cutwise online service - diamond presentation and comparison engine.

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Playlist | Short Videos

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Video | I3D - Interactive Report
Published:2021, March 29Last Updated: 2021, March 29v.1.4

Video summary:

  • Interactive 3D Report is opened in your browser from within HP Carbon

  • In the presented report you can:
  • Toggle elements visibility (the visible ones will be included in a printed version)
  • Configure your views (one or several, different modes, "what-to-show" options for each)
  • Use interactivity of your views to explore all aspects of your models (rotate and zoom, mouse over the facet to get pop-up with the facet details)
  • Save your configuration as preset and re-use it
  • Print report shaped by you and suiting your needs

Video keywords: configure, I3D, interact, interactive 3D report, print, view

Published in:Release Notes


DocumentationInteractive 3D Report, Data and Interaction in Interactive 3D Reports
PlaylistsShort Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | No Specification (Short Video)

Video | Increasing Mass - Using Sandwich Inclusions
Published:2020, October 16Last Updated: 2020, October 16v.2.0

Video summary:

  • Sandwich Inclusion function allows increasing the mass of a solution without a decrease of its clarity

  • It splits an inclusion into layers

  • The external layer (shell) can be included in the solution thus it becomes bigger, increases the mass

  • The internal (core) continues to limit the solution boundaries, keeps the Clarity high

  • Big inclusions outside but close to the surface give the chance for using "Sandwich"

  • Appropriate inclusions can be searched using QC Panel

Video keywords: clarity, inclusion, sandwich, QC panel

Published in:Release Notes

2020-12-29 - HP Carbon 1.1.33

PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate PageOn YouTube | Specification

Video | Upload to Cutwise - Polished Diamond Data
Published:2020, June 5Last Updated: 2020, June 5v.1.2

Video summary:

  • You can quickly share via the Internet your stone information using an integration of HP Carbon, DiBox 2.0, and Cutwise OctoNus products

  • Upload information collected with HP Carbon and DiBox 2.0 to Cutwise online service

  • Send data in either order - Cutwise will consolidate them to form the full-data representation of your stone online

  • In Cutwise, your product will contain photos and videos from DiBox and information from HP Carbon: main stone parameters, advanced reports with images, I3D report, HTML report, DMC file

  • In Cutwise, share with whom you need to make your product information available around the globe 24/7

Video keywords: Cutwise, DiBox, DMC, HP Carbon, HTML, I3D, images, integration, online, parameters, reports, share, upload, videos

Published in:Release Notes
DocumentationIntegration with Cutwise
PlaylistsIntegration with Cutwise | YouTube: HP Carbon, HP Carbon - Cutwise Integration, Cutwise
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | Upload to Cutwise - Solutions Comparison
Published:2020, March 17Last Updated: 2020, June 5v.1.3

Video summary:

  • After obtaining the set of SmartRecut solutions, it is an essential task to compare them.

  • OctoNus Cutwise online service offers an extended set of tools for presenting and comparison.

  • HP Carbon supports integration with Cutwise: models from HP Carboon may be sent to Cutwise where they can be further visualized and analyzed.

  • Cutwise generates virtual films presenting stones and calculates metrics based on films.

  • Cutwise presents models images for Fire, Office, and ASET.

  • HP Carbon parameters are also transferred to Cutwise.

  • Cutwise cloud keeps all operations server-side.

  • Cutwise is a comfortable tool for comparison and selecting the best.

  • Selected stones can be saved in collections.

  • You can share created collections 24/7 for discussion and sales.

Video keywords: ASET, cloud, Cutwise, filtering, fire, integration, metrics, model comparison, office, parameters, share, sorting, upload

Published in:Release Notes



Integration with Cutwise

PlaylistsIntegration with Cutwise | YouTube: HP CarbonHP Carbon - Cutwise IntegrationCutwise
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | SweetLine - Time-Saving Approach to Getting Better Optical Performance
Published:2019, October 1Last Updated: 2019, December 5v.2.0

Video summary:

  • CrownAngle = 34.5 and PavilionAngle = 40.75 named Tolkowsky Point provide the best optical performance

  • Brilliants belonging to axis going through Tolkowsky Point with the negative slope 1:6 also provide excellent optical performance

  • The SweetLine parameter sticks solutions to this axis

  • There are two ways of using SweetLIne: via SweetLine profile or using your own editable profile with SweetLine, CrownAngle and PavilionAngle set to your needs

Video keywords: SweetLine, SweetLIne axis, optical performance, CrownAngle, PavilionAngle

Published in:Release Notes2019-10-23 - HPOxygen Server 5.3.42
DocumentationUsing SweetLine
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | Customizing Profiles - Copying and Modifying Cut Parameter Intervals and Presets
Published:2019, September 13Last Updated:2019, October 22v.2.0

Video summary:

  • In HP Carbon, each profile consists of the cut parameter intervals and presets values.

  • The system allows copying both cut parameter intervals and presets values into your own editable profile.
  • There you can further tune them.

Video keywords: profile, cut parameter intervals, presets, presets values

Published in:Release Notes2019-09-13 - HPOxygen Server 5.2.22
DocumentationAlgorithms, Appraisers and Profiles
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | AnyCut Workflow - Main Steps
Published:2019, September 3Last Updated:2019, October 16v.2.3

Video summary:

  • AnyCut workflow includes the following steps: in-house cut registration, FixedForm (recut) allocation, SmartRecut AnyCut allocation with relative ASCII appraiser

  • In-house cut registration starts from running SmartNormilize for the model you want to use as cut
  • Register most symmetrical normalization result as new cut
  • Provide custom facet types for your new cut
  • Facet types from a sample can be used
  • If necessary, corrections may be done for selected types from the sample
  • Save your cut
  • Run FixedForm (recut) allocation with your cut
  • Use + Smart Recut option to immediately start SmartRecut after the Recut
  • The system provides a set of solutions

Video keywords: AnyCut, in-house cut, custom facet types, SmartRecut

Published in:Release Notes2019-09-13 - HPOxygen Server 5.2.22
DocumentationIn-house cut workflow, In-house cut registration
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | H&A Presets - Solutions in Correspondence with H&A Standard
Published:2019, July 30Last Updated:2019, July 30v.1.0

Video summary:

  • The new presets for working in Hearts and Arrows (H&A) segment have been created

Video keywords: hearts and arrows, H&A
Published in:Release Notes2019-09-13 - HPOxygen Server 5.2.22
DocumentationMyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
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Video | MyRound Appraiser - New MaxMass Profile for Overstepping the Mass Border Value
Published:2019, April 11Last Updated:2019, April 11v.2.1

Video summary:

  • Sometimes the solutions produced using the “MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound” appraiser may be just a little below the mass border

  • The new “MaxMass” profile for this appraiser allows getting solutions overstepping the mass border value but still inside GIA EX boundaries.

  • This is achieved by weakening the non GIA Facetware criteria which increases the mass but may decrease other parameters.

  • The “MaxMass” profile does not replace the standard “ModernCut” profile - they exist simultaneously producing different results: the “ModernCut” produces more balanced solutions with higher liquidity; the “MaxMass” - solutions with higher mass and price.

Video keywords: MyRound_Max, MaxMass, profile, MyRound, GIA Facetware, MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound, appraiser, ModernCut, MyRound_ModernCut
Published in:Release Notes2018.12.25 - HPOxygen Server 4.8.20
DocumentationMyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | Smart Normalize - Manual Marking Facets for Removing
Published:2019, April 9Last Updated:2019, April 9v.1.1

Video summary:

  • The “18. SmartNormalize” algorithm often does not delete the large excess facets, although for the operator it may be visually obvious that they should be removed during normalization

  • The Element Multi Selection Tool can now be used with the "18. SmartNormalize" algorithm to manually mark facets to be removed during normalization.

  • These marked facets will be obligatory deleted by the "18. SmartNormalize" algorithm when it is run.

  • By manual removing the large excess facets prior to running the “18. SmartNormalize” algorithm you additionally improve the algorithm performance by helping it to distinguish correct and incorrect facets.

Video keywords: SmartNormalize, normalization,  element multi selection tool, excess facets, incorrect facets, remove facets, delete facets, manual remove
Published in:Release NotesNA
DocumentationSmart Normalize algorithm
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | Smart Recut Algorithm - Improved Usage of Extra Facets
Last Updated:2019, April 8v.2.5

Video summary:

  • The Allow Girdle Extra Facets option of “13. SmartRecut (Brilliant, Oval)” algorithm

  • Before version 4.8.20: sometimes for the rough stones extra facets were not created in spite of the Allow Girdle Extra Facets option selected

  • Starting from version 4.8.20: if the creation of girdle extra facets is possible and the Allow Girdle Extra Facets option is selected, they will be always created

  • Result: we obtain the maximum mass caused by using the girdle extra facets

  • An appraiser controls limitations for the quantity of allowed girdle extra facets by the GirdleCrownExtraFacets and GirdlePavilionExtraFacets parameters

Video keywords: girdle extra facets, smart recut, allow girdle extra facets, rough stones, GirdleCrownExtraFacets, GirdlePavilionExtraFacets
Published in:Release Notes

2018.12.25 - HPOxygen Server 4.8.20

DocumentationUsing Girdle Extra Facets
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Video | 18. Single (Recut) Algorithm - Rotated and Aligned Solutions for Further Optimization
Published:2019, February 12Last Updated:2019, February 12v.3.2

Video summary:

  • Note In version 5.2.22 the 18. Single (Recut) algorithm has been renamed to 18. Semipolished
  • During the brilliant recut, the best result can be achieved through two different intermediate solutions:
  • Through the solution with facet azimuths close to the current brilliant
  • Through the solution rotated comparing to the current brilliant
  • To select the best option in the end, an operator needs BOTH variants of the solution on the intermediate stage.
  • The “18. Single (Recut)” algorithm aims to provide both the rotated solution (with the better mass) and the one better aligned to the initial stone for you to be able to try your further optimization on both of them.
  • Run Smart Recut on both solutions.
  • Compare the Smart Recut solutions and select the best one from the point of view of the predicted price and the complexity of the cut.
  • In some cases, the best solution will come from aligned and not from the rotated.
Video keywords: 18. Semipolished, 18. Single (Recut), rotated solution, aligned solution, further optimization, cut complexity, best price
Published in:Release Notes2018-10-30 - HPOxygen Server 4.7.27
DocumentationAlgorithm "18. Semipolished"
PlaylistsAll Videos | YouTube: HP Carbon
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification


See also these HP Carbon videos in the HP Carbon playlist on the OctoNus YouTube channel:

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