HP Carbon supports integration with Cutwise online service - diamond presentation and comparison engine. Main use cases for the integration are described in the sections below.

On this page:

Sharing Polished Diamond Data

You can quickly share via the Internet your stone information using an integration of HP Carbon, DiBox 2.0, and Cutwise OctoNus products.

To do that:

  1. Upload information collected with HP Carbon and DiBox 2.0 to Cutwise online service.
  2. Send data in either order - Cutwise will consolidate them to form the full-data representation of your stone online.
  3. In Cutwise, your product will contain photos and videos from DiBox and information from HP Carbon: main stone parameters, advanced reports with images, I3D report, HTML report, DMC file.
  4. In Cutwise, share with whom you need to make your product information available around the globe 24/7.

Some details and example are presented in the video:

Video | Upload to Cutwise - Polished Diamond Data
Published:2020, June 5Last Updated: 2020, June 5v.1.2

Video summary:

  • You can quickly share via the Internet your stone information using an integration of HP Carbon, DiBox 2.0, and Cutwise OctoNus products

  • Upload information collected with HP Carbon and DiBox 2.0 to Cutwise online service

  • Send data in either order - Cutwise will consolidate them to form the full-data representation of your stone online

  • In Cutwise, your product will contain photos and videos from DiBox and information from HP Carbon: main stone parameters, advanced reports with images, I3D report, HTML report, DMC file

  • In Cutwise, share with whom you need to make your product information available around the globe 24/7

Video keywords: Cutwise, DiBox, DMC, HP Carbon, HTML, I3D, images, integration, online, parameters, reports, share, upload, videos

Published in:Release Notes
DocumentationIntegration with Cutwise
PlaylistsIntegration with Cutwise | YouTube: HP Carbon, HP Carbon - Cutwise Integration, Cutwise
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

Solution Comparison

After obtaining the set of SmartRecut solutions, it is an essential task to compare them to select one or several best. HP Carbon provides tools for this comparison. But these tools separately or combined not always provide the best experience for solutions comparison task. The OctoNus Cutwise online service offers an extended set of tools for presenting and comparison of brilliants and their models. HP Carbon supports integration with Cutwise: the models from HP Carbon may be sent in one click to the Cutwise where they can be further visualized and analyzed with the rich set of tools.

One of the main advantages of Cutwise is new generation of virtual films. They are renderings of future stones, indistinguishable from the real DiBox2 films for both Round and Fancy cuttings. This allows effective visual comparison of future solutions. Moreover, the additional visual metrics are built on the basis of the films and comparison by these metrics become available. The Cutwise uses special film generating systems that have a naturally high consumption of the hardware resources and time. As the Cutwise cloud keeps film calculations server-side, it frees up resources of the HP Carbon machine as well as the time of an operator.

The Cutwise has a modern web interface. It includes advanced, effective tools for:

  • Stone visual and parametric representation.

  • Sophisticated filtering.

  • Convenient sorting.

  • Saving you selections as separate sharable collections.

Also, being accessible via Internet 24/7, Cutwise is a great place to share created stone collections. You can share them with the colleagues to demonstrate stones and delegate or share decision making responsibilities. You can also present full stone information to future customers.

Detailed information and the example you can find in the video:

Video | Upload to Cutwise - Solutions Comparison
Published:2020, March 17Last Updated: 2020, June 5v.1.3

Video summary:

  • After obtaining the set of SmartRecut solutions, it is an essential task to compare them.

  • OctoNus Cutwise online service offers an extended set of tools for presenting and comparison.

  • HP Carbon supports integration with Cutwise: models from HP Carboon may be sent to Cutwise where they can be further visualized and analyzed.

  • Cutwise generates virtual films presenting stones and calculates metrics based on films.

  • Cutwise presents models images for Fire, Office, and ASET.

  • HP Carbon parameters are also transferred to Cutwise.

  • Cutwise cloud keeps all operations server-side.

  • Cutwise is a comfortable tool for comparison and selecting the best.

  • Selected stones can be saved in collections.

  • You can share created collections 24/7 for discussion and sales.

Video keywords: ASET, cloud, Cutwise, filtering, fire, integration, metrics, model comparison, office, parameters, share, sorting, upload

Published in:Release Notes



Integration with Cutwise

PlaylistsIntegration with Cutwise | YouTube: HP CarbonHP Carbon - Cutwise IntegrationCutwise
AlsoAs Separate Page | On YouTube | Specification

What You Need to Use Integration

To use the integration, the following conditions should be met:

  1. For HP Carbon, you need a special HASP key which includes the Upload to Cutwise feature.
  2. You need an account on cutwise.com*. This account should have permission to generate the Photoreal Data. To get an account or permissions, contact Cutwise support.

    On the first data upload, you will be requested for Username and Password of your Cutwise account.
  3. Windows administrator password - will be requested once during installing HP Carbon for installing the Cutwise Agent - component used for integration of HP Carbon and Cutwise.

Automatic vs Manual Upload

You have two ways of uploading your data to Cutwise:

  • Standard, automatic: via the Upload to Cutwise button in HP Carbon
  • Manual: uploading models/reports directly (for example, as DMC files, including the ones obtained from the old HP Oxygen) via uploader

It is important to remember, that if you use the Upload to Cutwise function in HP Carbon, you should not use the manual approach for the same data, because after Upload to Cutwise is used if you try to manually upload the same models/reports, you will not see the new data in Cutwise - the one previously uploaded from the system with the Upload to Cutwise function will stay unchanged.

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