The following settings are located in the NVIDIA Control Panel. To open the panel you should click right mouse button on the desktop and select the appropriate option from the context menu. Also you can find it in the Control Panel.

Step-by-step guide

Configure global stereo settings:

  1. Click on Manage 3D settings (3D Settings section from the left side);
  2. Click on the Global Settings tab;
  3. Select 3D OpenGL Stereo profile for Global presets;
  4. Click on OpenGL rendering GPU and select your Quadro graphics card;
  5. Click on Stereo - Display Mode and select:

Windows 7 / Vista / XP:

    • On-board DIN connector (with 3D Vision) if using stereo DIN cable;
    • Generic active stereo (with NVIDIA 3D Vision) if no DIN cable;
    • Generic active stereo if the first two are not appropriate;

Windows 8:

    • NVIDIA recommended if the items for active stereo are absent;
  1. Click on Stereo - Enable and select On;
  2. Click on the Apply button.

Configure application specific stereo settings:

  1. From Manage 3D Settings, click on the Program Settings tab (right side);
  2. Click on the drop down menu under 1. Select a program to customize;
  3. If the Stereo Movie Viewer is listed, go to step 6. If not, click on the Add button;
  4. Browse to the location of the executable for Stereo Movie Viewer application and double click on it;
  5. Click on the Apply button at the lower right hand corner;
  6. Click on OpenGL rendering GPU and select your Quadro graphics card;
  7. Click on Stereo - Display Mode and select:

Windows 7 / Vista / XP:

    • On-board DIN connector (with 3D Vision) if using Stereo DIN cable;
    • Generic active stereo (with NVIDIA 3D Vision) if no DIN cable;
    • Generic active stereo if the first two are not appropriate;

Windows 8:

    • NVIDIA recommended if the items for active stereo are absent;
  1. Click on Stereo - Enable and select On;
  2. Click on the Apply button.

Note. For working Stereo Movie Viewer with NVIDIA 3D Vision glasses kit, you should select "Graphics Driver" stereo mode in the application settings dialog.