The new Access Management system makes your interaction with customers more flexible and comfortable. Currently, you can grant permissions via the following pages:

1) Product page. Permissions for the current project are managed here.

2) Collection page. Permissions for all products added to a collection are managed here (for which you have editing permission).

3) Back Office page

When a user clicks the Share Access button, the window for managing access to selected products is displayed.

Public Access

Setting these permissions affects access to the product for all users of Cutwise independently of their authorization.

 No Access 

Access is denied (for everyone except the publisher and those who are granted private access).

If any user apart a publisher opens this page, the following will be displayed:


Access is allowed only to Cutwise widgets. A product is not listed in the shared catalog.

If any user (not the product publisher) opens this page, the same message will be displayed as with No Access.

However, if a user opens the page of any widget template (or opens the page of another site with the embedded widget), the product will be displayed.

 Cutwise Search

Access is allowed in search, but the access to HPO model and reports is denied (nobody except the author will not see and will not be able to download a DMC file, i3d-report, html-report and pictures with angles).

If any user (not the product publisher) opens the product page, it will be displayed, but a DMC file, i3d-report, HTML report, and pictures with angles will not be available for viewing or downloading. Also, this product will be available via the search in the shared catalog.

 Full Access

If any user (not the product publisher) opens the product page, it will be displayed, and all the materials will be available. Also, this product will be available via the search in the shared catalog.

 Private Access

Private access to products for Cutwise registered users is now functioning in beta mode.

For example, now you can completely hide a product from all users (by setting the “No Access” status during the previous stage) and then allow access only for individual users.

To do this, follow these steps:

1) Select the Access for Specific Users checkbox (later on you can quickly remove the provided access even if it was granted to many users).

2) Click the “+” symbol, and specify the email address of a user registered in Cutwise.

(warning) Important! This a temporary limitation. In the future you will be able to specify any user, but currently this should be a registered Cutwise user.

3) Specify whether the user should be provided with permission to access the stone model and reports (particularly DMC files, i3d-reports, HTML- reports, and pictures with angles).

You can specify any number of users to have access to the product (or a list of products).