Video | Facet Types - Applying from Sample
Published:2021, April 16Last Updated: 2021, March 29v.2.1

Video summary:

  • The same parameter of a stone can be graded differently depending on how the Facet Types of cutting for this stone are defined.

  • Therefore, if you control Facet Types, in some cases you control the cut grade.

  • You can control the Facet Types of the scanned or rebuilt model by using your own model as a sample.

  • Set the desired Facet Types for your sample, then use this sample during scanning or rebuild and the Facet Types will be automatically transferred from the sample to the created model.

Video keywords: cut grade, facet types, sample

Published in:Release Notes

2020-04-16 - HP Carbon 1.2.65 (Internal Only)

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