The functionality described in the section below is available in the DALS application since version

This functionality is additional and for it to be available, you need to select the Shape from focus (Python proxy) component when installing the DALS application

Brief description of the tool

Photometric stereo (PS) is a technique in computer vision for estimating the surface normals of observed object under different lighting conditions (light sources from different angles). The resulting normal map can be used for 3D reconstruction of the object surface.

The DALS application, starting from version, provides the ability to build surface of 3D models using the PS technique for observed objects. To do this, you can use the Photometric stereo 3D panel. This panel is located on the right in the Hardware section.

  1. The button for selection output folder
  2. The button to start the process of building surface of 3D model using the PS technique for the current visible area of the observed object
  3. Process status message area
  4. Progress bar area

Step-by-step guide

When you first start the program, you must select the output folder where all the 3D models results will be saved using the corresponding button 1. Your selection will be saved, but you will be able to change the output folder whenever necessary. If you have not selected an output folder, the start process button 2 will be disabled.

After you have selected the output folder, you can start the process of building 3D model for the current visible area. Just click the corresponding button 2.

Wait for the end of the active process...

If the process of building a 3D model was completed successfully, you will see the corresponding message:

After that, you can open the just received 3D model by double-clicking on it in the Services list (on the left in the Services section) or by opening it through the File → Open... menu item, by selecting the appropriate .osgb file from your output folder.

Demonstration of the work

Below is demo video of the Photometric stereo 3D construction tool: