Since DALS 1.4.4

To use inclusion plotting check the "Inclusion plotting" checkbox while installing the DALS program.

DALS supports inclusion plotting on images and on a stream from a microscope. We describe the microscope stream scenario below. The scenario of plotting inclusions on images is the same.

  1. Connect to the microscope
  2. Open the 'Tools' tab and find the ''Inclusions markup" section:
  3. Press the 'start markup' button. You'll see instruments for inclusion plotting in the tools section:
  4. Use these tools to make a plot. See details about tools here. You can change inclusion type, relief and customize inclusions visualization at inclusion panels in the 'View' tab:
  5. Press the 'Export side-by-side report' button at the 'Inclusions markup' section from step 2, then choose where to save a file, the file name and the file extension and press the 'Save' button.