Here you can find information about what is new in Cutwise version 6.1

1. Clarity Plotting Diagram for Photoreal Diamonds

This functions works only with:

  • HP Carbon 1.5.3 or higher
  • Rendering photoreal diamond in HQ Mode

The inclusions assessment of the diamonds is very important for solutions choosing process. 

Now you can show Inclusions diagram for photoreal diamonds in projects for your clients. And you can detailed and correct assessment of Clarity Grade. 

See example:

2. New Cutwise Prices 

In the course of its market progression Cutwise is ready to start an automated billing service. Correspondingly, the service puts some fees down, becoming an even more attractive promotional and communication tool for the market players.

So, please, note these key matters:

  1. Some fees go down. For example, 360 videos upload fees are down more than 50%, and DiBox 2.0 hosting is 20% less now.
  2. New CutEvolution prices. 
  3. Clear Hosting fees system. With the new service fees system, clients make one-time payments for initial upload and optionally for scores calculations; the first month of hosting is free for every type of data. Further, starting from the second month, hosting fees are written off the client’s balance for each product (data storage and traffic). As a rule, the more data you store the more you have to pay; however, there are nice discounts for the full set of data.
  4. Automated billing system. Cutwise balance can be seen real-time on the new Balance Dashboard. Balance replenishment notifications will come two weeks in advance.

For more details, please, check: 

2.1. Automated Billing System (Beta Testing)

The automatic billing system is currently in beta testing mode.

We can provide access to the system upon your request and make changes to the interfaces and improvements to this system based on your feedback. 

Link to Billing Pages

Billing Dashboard

Dashboard page created for view and control the current balance and expenses. The page contains information about: 

 For Clients that use two types of services at the same time (HPC and DiBox), two tabs and two separate accounts are displayed.

Transactions Details

For a more detailed analysis of expenses, you can use the Transactions tab. All transactions are shown here, various filters can be applied.

Manage Hosted Stock

The costs and the next hosting payment are also displayed on the back-office page. You can see and analysis how much costs to store your entire stock, remove products that have already been sold.

3. Other improvements.

3.1. Added DiBox2.0 Media for Fancy Color Diamonds on Products Stock and Compare.

Old viewNew view

Example link:[e][from]=2022-09-01&f[e][to]=2022-09-30&vs[ss]=false

3.2. Filters by Stereo and Multifocus Media