
In this release we introduce an improved autoplotting algorithm that addresses the problem of deep subsurface inclusions and thick cracks. The average deepness of subsurface markings and point subsurface inclusions was reduced. As for the cracks it is the first release where we are announcing the automatic and semi-automatic plotting of flat cracks. The crack autoplotting works well on standalone non-transparent flat cracks. The result of crack processing is a 20-microns thick flat crack that can be manually edited. Also from this release we support a photorealistic rendering of cracks in planned diamonds. This feature helps to estimate the influence of some crack on visual appearance of the diamond during planning.

Subsurface inclusion processing improvement: reducing the deepness

In previous release of autoplotting program there was a problem with allocation of subsurface marking and small subsurface inclusions. Most of them were too deepened inside the rough. You can see such a problem on the left picture below (problem zones are highlighted with green ellipses). On the right picture you can see the result of new release program where the average deepness of subsurface inclusion was reduced.



  1. Improved subsurface inclusions processing
  2. Automatic crack processing (1-st version). Only flat cracks are supported.
    1. inclusions classification into cracks and not cracks
    2. crack plane estimation
  3. Semi-automatic 3d inclusion into flat crack conversion
    1. menu item for conversion of 3d inclusion into flat crack and back for the inclusions that seem to be a crack

    2. ability to roll-back the automatic crack with the same menu
  4. Crack material reconstruction and rendering
    1. crack material reconstruction after first switching to Photoreal mode and active diamond selection (takes a little while, no progress bar). The solution has to be already allocated and HIG photos should be loaded.
    2. crack visualization inside active brilliant (in Photoreal view)

Known issues: