About MCloud Application

HowTo send Cutwise movies to Application


  1. Application designed to work on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 (and modern devices). Application is checked on iPhone5 and iPad 2

  2. It is recommended to update iOS to the latest version (but it must work on iOS 6.0 and later versions)

  3. Recommended to BackUp your device in iTunes before installing of the application

  4. Provisioningprofile and TradeApp installing:

    1. Plug off all iOS devices and lounch iTunes

    2. Open Application tab in iTunes. Drag and Drop *.mobileprovision and TradeApp.ipa files to this tab. Application TradeApp.ipa will appear in the Application tab

  1. Plug in iOs device to the iTunes. Select your device then select Apps. Press Install button (near to TradeApp application) then press Apply and wait while device will be synced  

  1. Application must appear on the device