1. Extra Facets Crown\Pavilion

There are two types of extra facets indicated with purple color in reports:


Presence of extra facets pavilion\crown indicated in report. The number of Crown and Pavilion extra facets indicated in brackets:

In case crown or pavilion extra facets adjust girlde, it will be indicated on Girdle height plot:

Please pay attention that Crown and Pavilion extra facets do not include extra facets girdle described below (see in p.2).

2. Extra Facets Girdle

There are two Girdle height calculation methods - GIA heights method and Octonus heights method.

  1. For both methods Girdle height calculation depends on extra facets depending on their slope angles. RakeGirdleAngle is a new parameter of extra facets slope angle. There are two types of Extra Facet Girdle depending on RakeGirdleAngle value:

2. Extra Facet Girdle (steep\shallow) shows the total number of extra girdle facets. The number of Steep and Shallow extra facets girdle are displayed in brackets:

3. RakeGirdleAngle is equal to 75° by default. That value can be changed (see p. 4.1 below) and indicated in report (see picture above).

4. Extra facet girdle are indicated on Girdle height plot:

5. Girdle heights method indicates Octonus or GIA heights method was used for heights calculation in the report:

GIA height methodOctonus height method


3. Difference between Octonus and GIA girdle height methods calculation


Girdle heights calculation method

GIA method

Octonus method

    • Steep extra girdle facets are calculated as a part of a girdle.
    • Uses real model and excludes Shallow extra girdle facets 
      during girdle heights calculation.
    • Steep extra girdle facets are calculated as a part of a girdle.
    • Uses virtual model built on the real brilliant model 
      but without Shallow extra girdle facets.


4. Setup changes

To change RakeGirdleAngle value:

  1. Go to Scan Polish diamond\Process\Options…\Report tab
  2. Change the RakeGirdleAngle value
  3. Press Enter button

To activate GIA heights method calculation:

  1. Go to Scan Polished Diamond/Options… /Report tab .
  2. Select GIA heights.

When GIA heights method is active all heights parameters are calculated according new rules (see above).

5. Samples

DMC fileHeight methodReport



6. Notes