
In this release we introduce two major improvements of Oxygen HIG that significantly expand the opportunities of inclusion editing at quality control (QC) stage: automatic glue detection and manual voxel QC tools.

Automatic glue detection is the part of autoplotting (its latest stage). The algorithm makes an attempt to select and remove glue automatically. After this the operator have to confirm or reject the result of removing glue.

Manual voxel QC tools give an opportunity for flexible manual modification of autoplotted inclusions in real time. In voxel QC tools mode you will be able to split combined inclusions by plane, delete wrong parts of inclusion, tune shape of each inclusion (like it was done by postprocessing) in real time, merge several (or all) inclusions in a one to perform the operation to group of inclusions, cut subsurface layer inclusions.

Automatic glue detection


Manual voxel QC tools

Other improvements