Get the OSV

Download and install the latest OctoNus Stereo Viewer version.

Open and play stereo movie

Movie scaling and shifting


To scale the shown movie frame inside the OSV movie window, use any of the following options:


To shift the shown movie frame, use any of the following options:

Multiview modes

You can open several movies in one program tab. To do this, find on the right program panel the 'Multi window' section and select the multiview mode:

The 'Three views' mode selected on the screenshot above.

You can drag previously opened movie and drop it into any of empty views.

  1. Select 'Services' tab on the left program panel
  2. Select necessary previously opened movie in the 'Services' section:
  3. Drag&drop it to target view:

Note. To change the parameter values, use the mouse or the left and the right arrow keys of the keyboard.