When connecting your NVIDIA GeForce graphics card to 3D TV at the first time

Step-by-step guide

Connecting hardware

Connect your graphics card of the PC to 3D TV by HDMI cable (if it’s necessary use HDMI-to-DVI or HDMI-to-DisplayPort adapters). Please make your TV as primary display.


Installing software

  1. Download and Install latest version of the OctoNus Stereo Viewer.

Settings in the OctoNus Stereo Viewer

  1. Run the OSV, open a stereo movie and check player settings
    1. Set frame rate to desired FPS (usually 15 or 20 fps);
    2. Set Round check for looped playback;
    3. Set the split type (for Digital Microscope stereo movies use Side by Side (Left First));
    4.  Set "Interlaced" stereo mode;
    5. Press movie play button.
    6. Press 'Stereo' button.
    7. Press 'full screen' button.

If you did everything correctly, you’ll see on the TV screen left and right viewpoints side-by-side like this:


You should set Side by Side split type on your 3D Smart TV by 3D Mode button on the remote control in accordance with selected stereo mode in OSV on step d.


Press 'Escape' key on your keyboard to exit from full-screen mode.


TV screenshot above was made on the Samsung 3D TV. 3D settings for your 3D Smart TV may be different.