Тема: Helium Polish version, report.dll version, BriRecon.dll, new templates dd 02.06.2015
От: <alexandrov@octonus.com>
Дата: 6/3/2015 2:55 AM
Кому: Utpal Mistry <utpal@lexus-com.com>, 'Janak' <janak@lexus-com.com>, 'nilesh' <nilesh@lexus-com.com>, "'Kamal@Lexus-Com. Com'" <kamal@lexus-com.com>
Копия: Sergey Savrasov <savrasov@octonus.com>, Sergey Sivovolenko <sivovolenko@octonus.com>

Dear Nilesh, Utpal, Janak, Kamal,

Please find new version of  Helium Polish version, report.dll version, BriRecon.dll and new report templates here:

Dropbox (OctoNus)\Download\HP\2015_06_02_HeliumPolish_5.6.73.1.zip

In this version we made the following changes:

1. Error with "Width-wise culet shift ratio" and "Length-wise culet shift ratio" calculation is fixed. Shift is calculated for RBC in MAX and MIN diameters directions from now:


2.  New report parameter is added - "Girdle center mass":

2.1  It is calculated as girdle center mass and indicated on pictures as doted blue cross:

2.2 "Girdle center mass" is used as girdle center for all offset from now and by default

2.3 To use old girdle center 
in offset calculation please check "Girdle center" check box in Report options panel:

2.4 Please pay attention that girdle center (blue cross on pictures same as before) calculation is changed:
2.4.1 For Princess, StepCuts, Radiant, SquareRadiant и SquareStepCut cuttings it calculates as cross of symmetry axes (was cross of diagonal axes before).
2.4.2 For Pear cutting it is cross of symmetry axis with width axis  .

3. There are changes for AnyCut algorithm calculation. Goal is to improve girdle and crown building for Radiants and Step-Cuts.

4. New report parameters were added - CRN_MAIN_5_EDGE_JUNCTION_:    

4.1  "Crown main 5 edge junction" is equal to diameter of minimum circle which includes all 3 nodes at this junction, in case the triangle build on 3 nodes have angles below 90°:


4.2 In case if any of angles of triangle build on 3 nodes is above 90°,  "Crown main 5 edge junction" (and circle diameter) is equal to maximum distance between any of the 3 nodes at this junction. Circles are shown in red on pictures in report:

5. New report parameters were added - STAR_EDGE_:     


 On picture below six star edges are indicated:

5.2 Percentage value is measured as ratio to diameter.

6. New report parameter is added, roundness is calculated for 22.5° angle from now:

7. All reports templates are updated.

Documentation about report parameters will be created\renewed shortly. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best Regards,
Yaroslav Alexandrov