1. Introduction

There are new parameters for girdle center calculation - Girdle center mass. It is used for offsets calculations from now by default.

2. Girdle center mass

  1. Indicated on pictures as doted blue cross (bookmark for this picture is GIRDLE_CENTER_MASS_CROSS):
  2. Example on picture from report:
  3. Calculated as center mass of girdle in projection on table plane.
  4. Used by default for calculation following values:
    1. Girdle-Culet offset by table axis
    2. Girdle-Table offset by table axis
    3. Girdle to table-culet line offset

3. Girdle center

  1. Indicated on pictures as solid blue cross (bookmark for this picture is GIRDLE_CENTER_CROSS):
  2. Example on picture from report:
  3. Calculated in following way:
    1. For Princess, StepCuts, Radiant, SquareRadiant и SquareStepCut cuttings it calculates as cross of symmetry axes.
    2. For Pear cutting it is cross of symmetry axis with width axis.
    3. For RBC and TrinagleStepCut it is center of maximum circle that may be inscribed.
    4. For Cushion and Unknown cut it is center mass of model projection on table plane (equal to girdle center mass).
  4. Shown on pictures but do not used for calculation by default.

4. Switch between Girdle center mass and Girdle center usage in calculations

  1. To use Girdle center in offset calculation please check "Girdle center" check box in "Report options" panel:
  2. To save this option setup: 
    1. Click on "INNER" option from top menu:
    2. Click on "Reg" button in "INNER OBJECTS" panel:
    3. Click on "Save" button in "System setting" panel:
  3. To use Girdle center mass offset calculation please uncheck "Girdle center" check box in "Report options" panel:

5. Notes