Within existing diamond distribution channels Cutwise optimizes and smoothes the communication 

and flow of added-value diamonds globally in both off-line and on-line modes.

Cutwise provides agents with a leading edge global search and comparison engine, so skilled Pros who can judge diamond values can efficiently address their target audiences with precise offerings.

Nowadays high-resolution filming of added value diamonds for promotional purposes is an industry standard. Cutwise avoids website crashes or slowdowns caused by web hosting videos on your own site when dozens of clients all open videos from your email blasts at the same time. Cutwise your diamonds now or consider your doubts and join right after.

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Contact Details

Service Center - Mumbai

Service Center - Surat

Head office

Lemon TechnoMist

G Tower, West Core, GW-4,

Bharat Diamond Bourse,

Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai, India

Contact:Mr. Parag Unadkat


Mob.phone: +91 98674 49902

Lemon TechnoMist

F02-06, Gem & Jewelry park,

Gujarat Hira Bourse,

Ichchhapore, Surat, India

Contact:Mr. Utpal Mistry


Mob.phone: +91 98790 00062

Octonus Finland Oy Ltd

Hermiankatu 8D

Tampere, 33720
