Here you can find information about what is new in HPOxygen Server version 4.8.20.

Re-Designed Model Topology Editing Tool

The Model Topology Editing Tool has been re-designed. Now the tool allows removing extra edges and drawing in their place a new configuration - all this within one operation. This includes that:

Smart Recut - Improved Usage of Extra Facets

Previously, for the "13. SmartRecut (Brilliant, Oval)" algorithm the Allow Girdle Extra Facets option was trying to keep already existing extra facets of the semi-polished stone. This approach actually did not work for the stones on the early stages of polishing (rough stones) for which the extra facets were not created in spite of the selected “Allow Girdle Extra Facets” option. This prevented from getting solutions with the maximum mass caused by using the extra facets.

Now the Allow Girdle Extra Facets option has been re-designed to always create the extra facet when possible, including cases of the rough stones.

Settings - Lock to Scan

The new Lock to scan option has been implemented. The option locks the system to the Scan & Build mode and hides the Top Panel along with all the buttons.


To enable the option, go to Settings > General Settings > General section > Display tab > in the Special Environment group, select Lock to scan.

Application restart is required for the new setting to take effect.


Comparative I3D Mini View - Facet Identification

Now in Comparative I3D Mini View, in "Comparative" mode, short names of the main facets and their numbers are displayed both for the current and for the reference models. They are colored correspondingly.

Facet numbers are displayed only when the Facet Number check box is selected.

Also, the main facet numbers are now displayed in the tooltip shown on mouse over the facet.

Comparative I3D Mini View - Displaying Model Mass in Correspondence with Plan List

In comparative I3D Mini View, for what was selected from the plan list as the current and reference models the following information is displayed:

Now for the scan, the displayed mass will be in correspondence with the mass displayed in the plan list. This may be:

General - New Stone Parameters

The following new stone parameters have been added:

This parameter is applicable to the Brilliant cut.

Girdle facets average slope deviation from vertical in degrees.


Thу larger area the facet with the deviation from vertical has the more it affects visually the stone. That is why the areas of the Girdle facets are included into the calculation.

In User Interface

Recut > Appraiser = "MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound" > Show Editor > the Cut tab.


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All full reportsMain ParametersAvg°GIRDLE_VERTICALITY
This parameter is applicable to the Brilliant cut.

Maximum girdle facet slope deviation from GirdleVerticality in degrees.


We take every Girdle facet, calculate its deviation from vertical (A-90), then compare it to average deviation from vertical (GirdleVerticality) for this stone, then from all found values we select the maximum. It is GirdleSlopeDeviationMax.

In User Interface

Recut > Appraiser = "MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound" > Show Editor > the Symmetry tab.


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All full reportsMain ParametersAvg°GIRDLE_SLOPE_DEVIATION_MAX
This parameter is applicable to the Oval cut.

The maximum difference between the bezel and bone heights. The parameter shows how well a Girdle is leveled in the areas of bezel and bone: the less the value is, the greater the leveling.


So we measure the height of every Girdle bezel and take the maximum from obtained values, we measure the height of every Girdle bone and take the minimum from obtained values, then calculate the difference between this maximum and minimum. This is the first number. Then from Girdle bones, we take maximum, from Girdle bezels - minimum, then calculate the difference between this maximum and minimum. This is the second number. Then we take maximum from these two numbers. This is our parameter.

For detailed information about Girdle bezel and Girdle bone, see corresponding sections in the Girdle Thickness article. The detailed description of how Girdle bezel and Girdle bone are defined and used in the system is presented in the New measurements of Heights for Pavilion and Girdle section of the OctoNus site page.

In User Interface

Recut > Appraiser = "MyOvalOpt | MyOval" or "MyOvalPlus | MyOvalPerformanceWare > Show Editor > the Symmetry tab.


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Full Report for Rounded FanciesMain ParametersAvg%(diameter)GIRDLE_HEIGHT_CORRELATION
This parameter is applicable to the Brilliant and Oval cut.

The maximum difference between the lengths of Girdle chords of  neighboring upper and lower facets.


For every pair of neighboring upper facets, we calculate the length of Girdle chords, then calculate the absolute difference between them and divide this difference by half sum of these chords. The same is done for lower facets. As we have this value for each pair of facets, we the take maximum of them.

In User Interface

Recut > Appraiser = "MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound" > Show Editor > the Symmetry tab.


Reported inSectionValuesUnitsBookmarks

Logger Panel - Copying Presented Data

Now you can copy data presented in the Logger Panel (available on View > Show logger (info) panel) to the clipboard. The structure of data is kept so you can paste it immediately into Excel. Prior to copying, you can:

Fixed Problems and Improvements

The following fixes for the known problems and improvements have been implemented:

  1. For the model import, the recognition with the "Polished diamond" algorithm has been improved.
  2. For the G1 Galahad, the algorithm detecting the reference facet of the current step has been improved.
  3. The I3D Mini View:
    1. The "FILE NOT FOUND" error has been fixed.
    2. Girdle thickness visualization bugs have been fixed (this also fixes this problem for the I3D Report).
  4. For the Comparative I3D Mini View and Report, the algorithm for transferring facet types from the reference to the current model has been improved.
  5. Table identification for fancy cuttings is improved.

  6. Bug with the Precision panel title not updating on the cutting switch has been fixed.

  7. Girdle Deviation from Model Building Info panel has been added to the export report data: MODEL_BUILDING_GIRDLE_ERR_VALUE_*