
1. Alpha version of new Cutwise Product: "Cutwse NetBox". 

NetBox significantly increases media loading (starts from 3x speed up for collection loading). NetBox provides Cutwise high quality medias even in places with a poor Internet connection. It provides smooth interaction with Cutwise and can be used in retail shops or during demo shows.

With NetBox there is no need to pay for traffic in case of multiple showings of the same diamonds.

The first version is available for testing by request.

2. New appearance of the Spread Characteristic. 

Spread is a parameter that shows the difference between weight of a given diamond and weight of the standard diamond. The standard diamond has the same area as the given diamond but the standard diamond has Tolkowsky proportions with the medium girdle thickness. The spread parameter tells if your diamond looks more or less massive than it really is. The spread parameter also works with fancy shapes comparing them with round standard diamond.

The difference in weight between diamond and weight Tolkowsky round with the same visible area is measured in ct, the ratio between weight difference and Tolkowsky weight is measured in percents.

3. Compare with Standard 3EX Round on Product Page. 

Compare with 3EX Round is added to help users to select HiVi fancy shape diamonds. 

Mobile Interface

Desktop Interface


1. Fire and Brilliance metrics are now calculated from new DiBox 2.0 video sets (cardboard + mono).

2. Add to compare products available in different browser tabs.

3. New appearance of Radar Chart.

4. Some mobile layout fixes on product page and catalog.