New features

1. New filters by diamond cut parameters. 

Search, filter and sort by all polish and proportions diamonds data (Length and Width, Total Height, Table, Crown Angle, Crown Height, Pavilion Angle, Pavilion Depth, Girdle, Culet and Diameter Ratio).

2. Swipe to navigate screens in Cutwise Widget on touch devices.

Performance and RapNet Cutwise Widget templates supports swipe motion to switch between screens on mobile touch devices.

Other improvements

1. UI improvements for manual reordering for comparison and public collections. 

2. Magnifier for Clarity Diagram.

3. Lower restrictions for SKU (StoneID).

4. New "Culet Size" field on diamond page and Cutwise Widget. 

5. New Spread Screen in Cutwise Widget.

6. Improved error pages and messages. 

7. Bugfixes.