New features

1. Eye view reference in Cutwise Player. 

This function allows to compare size of diamonds with coins. 

Eye view is available only in visual widget now (to test and collect feedback). 

Link for cushion10 (5.98mm):

2. Fancy color default sorting order is changed to Intensity. 

Sample for Orange diamonds:[s][]=4&f[fcdh][]=18&vs[ss]=false&sort[fg]=desc 

Other improvements

1. Optical Performance Scores in table mode. 

2. Cutwise Widget link was added to xlsx export to embed in RapNet.

Now you can export all information in xls format (with RapNet specifications) and upload them to RapNet. 

3. Support for i3D comparative report. 

4. Angle Speed Modifications for ViBox 360 Media. 

5. Bugfixes.