
Algorithm 13. Cascade-2MS

The Solutions with similar weight of diamonds (symmetrical solutions) sometimes have the highest cost. In some cases, Algorithm 13. Cascade-2MS finds such solutions. This happens quite rarely, in about 1-2% of cases, and the price for this is an increase in the operating time of the algorithm by 1.4 times. The list of solutions usually consists of all solutions of Algorithm 13. Cascade-2M plus additionally symmetric solutions.

The file 0048_Results.ox2z contains solutions of both algorithms 13. Cascade-2M (blue) and 13. Cascade-2MS (green).

The best solution of 13. Cascade-2M algorithms is a solution with a weight of 1.52+0.70ct. In addition to this, Algorithm 13. Cascade-2MS found 1.01+1.21ct.

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