Here you can find information about what is new in Helium Rough/Pacor Client 7.7.1.

This version is available for download from the Octonus official web site.

On this page:

Price list adaptation for Melee diamonds

Changed the procedure for determining the price of diamonds weighing less than 0.0584ct (Sieve up to +9).

PPC - tables of Price per Carat depending on weight, as well as color, clarity and other discounts.

Mass2 - the weight of the diamond rounded to the boundary X,XX85

Mass4 - the weight of the diamond rounded to the X.XXXX5 boundary (usual math rules for 4 digits)


  • the cost for all diamonds was determined as Mass2*PPC(Mass2)


  • the cost of diamonds weighing 0.0585ct and above remained the same according to the formula Mass2*PPC(Mass2)
  • the cost of diamonds weighing 0.0585ct and below is determined by the new formula Mass4*PPC(Mass2)

Examples of pricing for Brilliant-D-IF without additional discounts




Old Price

New Mass

New Price


This made it possible to launch global optimization algorithms for low-weight rough diamonds.

Safety margin for Girdle form in laser marking

For Girdle form laser marking lines can be shofted from the future diamond. Parameter Offset works for Pavilion and Crown forms.

On preview picture below lines for Girdle form (pavilion) shifted on 200 microns.

Fixed problems and improvements

The following fixes for the known problems and improvements are implemented:

  • Number of diamonds in Roughvalue.txt report increase from 8 to 16.
  • Wrong cutting type for Cushion_Square fixed
  • Safety margins for Girdle form (pavilion/crown)
  • Fixed bug for Find next diamond algorithm
  • Fixed bug for Heart shape in 09. Adaptive and other old optimization algorithms