The 'Motor & encoder values' panel ('Hardware' tab, right panel) is designed to display current configuration of the motors (or encoders) and zoom value.




The motor or encoder (respectively) was initialized correctly

The motor or encoder was not initialized or was not installed

The DM Gold system has only X, Y and Z (Focus) motors. The values for all other motors will always be zero.

The DM Gold system has fixed zoom. This means that the zoom value will always be constant.

Init encoders

If during work with the program there was a situation in which the motors positioning does not work correctly, or the status icon of an existing motor changed to red, it is necessary to reinitialize the encoders and motors. To do this, use the 'Init encoders' button.

Also for separate reinitialization of Rx and Ry motors you can use the 'Init Rx' and 'Init Ry' buttons respectively.

The DM Gold system has no motors Rx and Ry. The corresponding buttons on the panel do nothing.

Set System Configuration As Default

Also you can save the current system configuration (motors position, configuration of lighting, white balance, frame processing pipeline) and return it at the next start application. To do this, you should press the 'Set As Default' button (at the next start application this configuration will be returned). Press on this button again to reset old configuration and to save the current.

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