Version is available at: Dropbox (OctoNus)\Download\DM-XRay\dm-xray-setup-ver-

What's new?

  • Automatic inclusion plotting algorithm now can plot internal cracks and air bubbles inside the rough and adds them to final inclusions. 
  • Filtering of inclusions outside the rough surface (for samples where some dust outside the rough was segmented as inclusion)
  • Fixed problem with eraser tool (for markup) - in some cases it did not delete a contour

Plotting and adding internal cracks to final inclusions

Here you can see a comparison of inclusion plotting for alpha 31 and alpha 32 versions for 8995C-6.270 Xray sample. This sample has no inclusions with big absortion (near 255), but it has many cracks and air bubbles inside the rough:

Such cracks and bubbles were not connected with the surface of rough, so they could not be build as a part of cavity. And in alpha 31 we did not see them as inclusions, but in alpha 32 they are added as inclusions:

alpha 31alpha 32

Please, note, if you correct the cracks using markup tools, after all do not forget to correct voxel cube using tool "Correct the voxel cube" tool  (Ctrl+E shortcut).

In future, when we train an automatic crack detector well and all found cracks will be precise, this feature will give an opportunity to plot all internal cracks precisely.

Filtering outside inclusions

In previous versions outside dust detected as inclusions was not filtered, in alpha 32 we delete such inclusions (D366-A_2.113 sample):

alpha 31alpha 32

  • No labels