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Field nameAcceptable alternate field namesAcceptable field values

Stock # *

ReferenceNum, ReferenceNumber, Stock, Stock Num, Stock_no, StockNo, StockNum, StockNumber, VenderStockNumber

Enter your inventory stock number.

Every media (photo, video, etc) of one stone (product) must have same Stock #.

Valid symbols in the Stock # name:

  1. the number of characters is limited to (min=3, max=32),
  2. all uppercase letters (A-Z),
  3. all lowercase letters (a-z),
  4. numbers (0-9),
  5. a hyphen or short dash ( - ),
  6. the dot (.) no more than one in a row,
  7. underscores (_),
  8. slash ( / ),
  9. do not use the spacebar,
  10. identifier must begin and end with the alphanumeric symbol.

Uppercase and lowercase are equivalent (A=a).


Type, Product Type, ProductType

lab grown diamond

diamond type by default

* There are two types of accounts, one can be used only for Lab Grown Diamonds and the other only for Natural polished diamonds, Natural rough diamonds and Jewelry.

Shape *

Shape, ShpRound = Round, Round Brilliant, B, BR, RB, RD, RBC, RND
Pear = Pear, P, PS, PSH, PB, PMB
Emerald = Emerald, E, EM, EC
Princess = Princess, PRN, PR, PRIN, PN, PC, MDSQB, SMB
Marquise = Marquise, MQB, M, MQ
Asscher = Asscher, A, CSS, CSSC, AC
Cushion = Cushion, CB, Cushion Brilliant, C, CUX, CU, CMB, CUSH, CUS RCRMB, CRC, CSC, CX, RCSB, SCMB, SCX
Heart = Heart, H, HS, HT, MHRC
Oval = Oval, O, OV, OMB
Radiant = Radiant, R, RAD, RA, RC, RDN, CRB, RCRB

Size *

Size, Carat, CaratSize, CaratWeight, Ct, CtSize, CtWeight, Weight, Sz, Weight

Enter .01-99.


Color, Colr, ColourD, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z 
* For fancy colors use the fancy color column.


Clar, Clarity, Clearity, PurityFL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, SI3, I1, I2, I3. 
* For fancy colored stones that have no clarity, enter "N" for none.
Key To SymbolsKey To Symbols, KeyToSymbols, Key, InclusionDetails, Inclusion Details


* Text length 1-100 symbols

Price per CaratPrice, PriceCarat, PriceCt, PricePerCarat, PricePerCt, Px, RapNet Price, AskingPrice, PerCarat, PerCt, Prc


* Total product price (Price per Carat * Size) should be 100-900000000


Polish, Finish, PolIdeal = Ideal, I, ID
Excellent = Excellent, X, EX
Very Good = Very Good, VG, V, V. Good, V.G
Good = Good, G, GD
Fair = Fair, F, FR
Poor = Poor, P, PR


Symmetry, Sym, Symetry, Sym-metry, SymmIdeal = Ideal, I, ID
Excellent = Excellent, X, EX
Very Good = Very Good, VG, V, V. Good, V.G
Good = Good, G, GD
Fair = Fair, F, FR
Poor = Poor, P, PR

Cut Grade

Cut, CutGrade, Cut GradeIdeal = Ideal, I, ID
Excellent = Excellent, X, EX
Very Good = Very Good, VG, V, V. Good, V.G
Good = Good, G, GD
Fair = Fair, F, FR
Poor = Poor, P, PR

Fluorescence Intensity

Flr, FlrIntensity, Fluo Intensity, Fluor, Fluor Intensity, Fluorescence, Fluorescence Intensity, FluorescenceIntensity, FluorIntensityVery Strong = Very Strong, VS, VST, FL4
Strong = Strong, S, STG, ST, FL3
Medium = Medium, M, MED, FL2, 
Faint = Faint, F, FNT, Negligible, FA, FL1
None = None, N, NON,No, NIL, FL0
Fluorescence ColorFluorescence Color, FlrColor, Fluo Color, Fluor Color, FluorColor, FluorescenceColor

Blue = B, Blue, BL
White = W, White, WH
Yellow = Y, Yellow, YL
Orange = O, Orange, OR
Red = R, Red
Green = G, Green, BG
None = N, None, NIL, NON


Lab, Laboratory








Girdle FinishGirdle Finish, Girdle Condition, GirdleFinish

Polished = Polished, P
Faceted = Faceted, F
Bruted = Bruted, B

Girdle ThinGirdle Thin, Girdle, GirdleMin, GirdleThin

Extremely Thin = Extremely Thin, XTN, XTHN, EXTN, ETN, EN, XN
Very Thin = Very Thin, VTN, VTHN, VTHIN, VN
Thin = Thin, TN, THN
Medium = Medium, M, MED, MD
Slightly Thick = Slightly Thick, STK, SLTK, SLTHK
Thick = Thick, TK, THK, THIK, THIC
Very Thick = Very Thick, VTK, VTHCK, VTHK, VTHICK
Extremely Thick = Extremely Thick, XTK, EXTHICK, EXTHK, XTHK, XTHICK, XTHIK, ETK, EK, XK

Girdle ThickGirdle Thick, GirdleMax, GirdleThick

Extremely Thin = Extremely Thin, XTN, XTHN, EXTN, ETN, EN, XN
Very Thin = Very Thin, VTN, VTHN, VTHIN, VN
Thin = Thin, TN, THN
Medium = Medium, M, MED, MD
Slightly Thick = Slightly Thick, STK, SLTK, SLTHK
Thick = Thick, TK, THK, THIK, THIC
Very Thick = Very Thick, VTK, VTHCK, VTHK, VTHICK
Extremely Thick = Extremely Thick, XTK, EXTHICK, EXTHK, XTHK, XTHICK, XTHIK, ETK, EK, XK

Girdle Thick should be more than Girdle Thin. If they are equal, Girdle Thick shouldn`t be set.

Culet SizeCulet Size, Culet, CuletSize, Culet_size, CuletGrade, Cullet, CulletGradeNone = N, None
Very Small = VS, Very Small
Small = S, Small
Medium = M, Medium
Slightly Large = SL, Slightly Large
Large = L, Large
Very Large = VL, Very Large
Extremely Large = EL, Extremely Large

Certificate #

Certificate #, Cert Num, CertID, CertificateID, CertificateNum, CertificateNumber, CertNo, CertNum, CmPub
Enter the number on the certificate from the grading lab.

Fancy Color

Fancy Color, FancyColor, FancyColorMainBody,
FC-Main Body, FCMainBody
Black = Black, BK
Blue = Blue, B
Brown = Brown, BN
Gray = Gray, Grey, GY
Green = Green, G
Orange = Orange, O
Pink = Pink, P
Purple = Purple, PL
Red = Red, R
Yellow = Yellow, Y

* To enter two colors, separate with a hyphen or a space. Example: Blue-Green, Blue Green, B-G, B G

Fancy Color Intensity

Fancy Color Intensity, FancyColorIntensity, FCIntensity, FC-Intensity
Faint = Faint, F
Very Light = Very Light, VL
Light = Light, L
Fancy Light = Fancy Light, FCL, FL
Fancy = Fancy, FC
Fancy Dark = Fancy Dark, FCD
Fancy Intense = Fancy Intense, I
Fancy Vivid = Fancy Vivid, FV
Fancy Deep = Fancy Deep, D, DP, Deep

Fancy Color Overtone

Fancy Color Overtone, FancyColorOvertone, FancyColorOvertones, FCOvertone
Grayish Brownish
