This functionality is available only in Oxygen Immersion (MBoxIG).

Automatic Inclusion Allocation

In case you have a diamond in immersion glass you can scan it and allocate medium +small inclusions automatically in Oxygen using IGAllocate tab. Please make sure that your MBox2.0 hardware is configured properly and then do the following:

  1. Switch to IGAllocate tab
  2. Press Start! button. Initialization usually takes 3-5 seconds
  3. Then press HIG+MBox allocate button at the bottom of the panel. See Illustration 1
  4. Oxygen will request you to select a folder where to place photos taken during the scan. Please select some folder and after it the scanning procedure will begin

Illustration 1: Starting automatic allocation with hardware

Scanning takes from 1 to 10 hours depending on the size of your stone. After the scan is finished you can find all photos in folder that you selected before scanning has started. In case you have HIG inclusions allocated for this stone please make sure that they are loaded before you start Mbox2.0 allocation. You can allocate inclusions from folder on any computer (without hardware also) using this forlder with photos. To do open an apropriate OXG file and press the From Folder button. Then select a folder with photos and wait until allocation is complete.

Illustration 2: Allocate from folder

Scanning Procedure Options

IG Allocate panel allows configuring scanning procedure. You can adjust the following parameters before you start a scan (see Illustration 3):

Illustration 3: Scanning and allocation options available