On this page:

The Access Management system is aiming to make your interaction with the customers more flexible and comfortable.

1. What can be manage?

Currently you can grant permissions for:

  • Products. Permissions for diamonds (natural, lgd, photoreal), rough, jewelry.
  • Projects. Permissions for HP Carbon Projects and solutions, photoreal diamonds and scans in projects. 

Management interface is located on the top of product or project page: 

2. Changing statuses over multiple products or projects

2.1. Change Permissions from Back Office Page

For all your products or projects you can change permissions from Back Office page:

2.2. Change Products Permissions from Collections 

Permissions for products added to collection are managed here (only for which you have the editing permission).

3. Share Access 

You can choose whether your product or project should be available to anyone or restricted to only people with access. You can choose one of the Share Access function to achieve this: 

  • Global Access
  • Private Access

3.1. Global Access for Products

Global Access for Products, is divided by:

  • General - general availability of product.
  • Cut Data - availability of Cut data (3d models, reports, report images with facet angles) for product. 

General Access 

There are three options to control General Access. 

Restricted. Access is denied, for everyone except the employees of company publisher and those who are granted private access.

Unlisted. Access is allowed only with direct link (DiLog or Widget). Product is not visible in cutwise.com catalog. 

Public. Access is allowed in a cutwise.com search and via direct links (including Widget and DiLog) to anyone.

Cut Data Statuses 

There are three options to control access to data that can help users to recreate diamond cut design:

Hide All Design Data. Hide proportion images, symmetry images, facet slope angles, reports and 3d model.

Hide Model & Reports. Hide facet slopes angles, reports and 3d model. Cut can possibly be reproduced from proportions images.

Show All Data. All Cut Data, including model and report is available to any user with access.

3.2. Global Access for HPC Projects

Global Access for Projects also contains General and source Project Data access sections:

Hide Project Source hide HP Carbon source file (ox2z).

Access can be simultaneously set for several projects simultaneously.

Corresponding Global and Cut Data access is set to all scans, diamonds and solutions, information about is shown in Access window.

3.3. Private Access

Private access to products or project can be shared to Cutwise registered users.

For example, you can completely hide a product (by setting the “Restricted” status on the previous stage) and then allow access only for individual users.

To do this click the button "Private Access" or "plus" icon. You can specify private access to list of products or projects: 

Also you can specify Cut Data Statuses for users:

  • No labels