Here you can find information about what is new in Cutwise version 6.9

Ox2z to STL conversion service for Rough and planned solutions

Service is available at

It converts HPCarbon Ox2z file uploaded to Cutwise to one STL file (if only scan is uploaded) or to set of STL files in ZIP archive (one STL for scan and one STL for every diamond in selected solution). Selected solution is the one, marked with golden star, the first with silver star or solution with highest mass if neither of the solutions are marked with stars. The cost of conversion is 2per carat for scan mass, minimum price is 1€

Upload file

Wait until price is calculated

Pay for conversion (if current user has vendor account on Cutwise, transaction is credited from Cutwise account automatically)

Download result file

Ox2z files can be also uploaded from Cutwise Agent for Cutwise Vendor accounts

Demo examples

#DescriptionPrice*Source fileResult file
1Only one scanned diamond (1.0192ct)2.04 €Demo1-only-scan-diamond.ox2zDemo1-only-scan-diamond.stl

Project with 5 solutions (Rough 10.859ct)

One solution including 4 diamonds, is marked as final - a gold star in HP Carbon soft

21.72 €

* price without tax and provider fee.

Carbon Viewer

Carbon Viewer new modes

Two new modes in Overview section were added

Carbon Viewer settings adjustments 

Several Carbon Viewer settings, like Rough and Solutions transparency, Sawing Planes color, can be customized per user preferences. Contact Lexus team if these adjustments are required.

Billing and transactions

One account for transactions

HPC and DiBox accounts are merged to one, detailed information can be found in Overview sections of Cutwise billing dashboard

HPC Bonuses in Cutwise billing

Cutwise bonus credits that are earned for HPC licenses can be viewed in Cutwise billing dashboard 

Bonus enroll details can be viewed in bonus section

Transactions, that were withdrawn from bonus accounts can be viewed in Transactions section

Filename for decrypting transactions

Name of decrypted file is now displayed in transaction description, filter can be applied to find transactions detailed for defined filename substring (for example, diamond SKU)

Milkiness, Treatment and Inclusion details 

Milkiness, Treatment and Inclusion (Black, White, Open) parameters were added to Cutwise. They can be modified via Edit diamond interface or through xlsx upload.

Filters to search for these diamonds can be applied

Supported values in xlsx files (in Bold):

Milky: None, Light (M1), Medium (M2), Heavy (M3)

Open Inclusion:

None = Open Inclusions None,
OT1 = Open Table Small,
OT2 = Open Table Medium,
OT3 = Open Table Large,
OC1 = Open Crown Small,
OC2 = Open Crown Medium,
OC3 = Open Crown Large,
OP1 = Open Pavilion Small,
OP2 = Open Pavilion Medium,
OP3 = Open Pavilion Large,
OG1 = Open Girdle Small,
OG2 = Open Girdle Medium,
OG3 = Open Girdle

Black Inclusion:

None = Black Inclusions None,
BT0 = Black Table Meaningless,
BT1 = Black Table Small,
BT2 = Black Table Medium,
BT3 = Black Table Large,
BC0 = Black Crown Meaningless,
BC1 = Black Crown Small,
BC2 = Black Crown Medium,
BC3 = Black Crown Large

White Inclusion

None = White Inclusions None,
WT0 = White Table Meaningless,
WT1 = White Table Small,
WT2 = White Table Medium,
WT3 = White Table Large,
WC0 = White Crown Meaningless,
WC1 = White Crown Small,
WC2 = White Crown Medium,
WC3 = White Crown Large


LD = Laser Drilled
IRR = Irradiated
CE= Clarity Enhanced, Fracture Filled
COL = Color Enhanced
HPHT = High pressure high temperature
OT = Other (enter any other type of treatment)
N = For none, if the stone is untreated.

Seller notes field in collections

Seller notes field can be selected and displayed in collections to provide additional information about diamond

Edit diamond and add seller note

Edit collection and select Seller Note field to be displayed

View result

  • No labels