New Features

1. Integration with Helium Polish Oxygen.

HPO software now offers you the "Upload to Cutwise", function which streams a set of scanning data to Cutwise, including the 4Cs, polish information and images, an HTML report, and an i3d report.

This functionality is currently available:

  • with the new version of HPO software (since version 6.0.0)
  • under special key which includes the Upload to Cutwise feature
  • with the new version of Cloud Uploader (version

2. Stock Management and Share Access System.

The new version of the product management system.

Instead of the old statuses (published unpublished), new ones were added. They are:

 No Access – Access is denied, for everyone except the publisher and those who are granted private access.

 WIdget – Access is allowed only to all Cutwise widget templates. A product is not listed in the shared catalog.

 Cutwise Search – Access is allowed in a search, but access to the HPO model and reports is denied. Nobody except the author will not see it, or be able to download a DMC file, i3d report, an HTML report, or pictures with angles.

 Full Access – Full product access.

 Private Access - Access for registered users only. Product is available only via a direct link.

See details in the Cutwise Stock Management Documentation documentation.

Other Improvements

1. Demonstration Optical Performance Scores with Grades Relatively to Cutting Form.

This function is available in the Cutwise Widget templates (performance, report, and RapNet). It is enabled by adding a specific parameter: ...?dd=cw-fancy&...

For example, Absolute Optical Performance Scores on Cutwise widgets can be transformed into Relative Optical Performance Scores by diamond shape by adding the following parameter at the end:

Absolute Optical Performance ScoresWidget LinksRelative Optical Performance Scores by diamond shapesWidget Links

Performance WIdget:

Full Report Widget:

Rapnet Widget:

Performance WIdget:

Full Report Widget:

Rapnet Widget:

The conversion from relative scores to grades for optical performance scores (marked with *) is made with consideration of a diamond's shape.

2. Changes in Radar Chart.

The limits for values displayed on the Radar Chart are extended for products with color close to “L” and clarity close to “SI2.”


3. Bugfixes.

  • No labels