New features

1. Public boards for your saved searches. Example: 

  • link for board and indications - published or not published yet. Picture 1

2. New video preset for gyroscope.

Test on mobile phone this link (tap to this icon Picture 4):

Major bugfixes and improvements

1. Optical metrics report is visible to all users (including anonymous). Click "View Optical Metrics Report" button from Public Board – 

2. To increase the speed of all website,  offline page and dropbox integration were temporarily hidden. 

3. Different stereo movies from figure 8 gimbal are shown with stereo angle depending from viewing device to show realistic object depth on both cardboard and TVs.

Minor bugfixes and improvements

1. Current mediaType image preview is shown in email sharing template.

Picture 1. Link to public board.

Picture 2. Edit public board.

Picture 3. View public board. 

Picture 4. Gyro icon.

  • No labels