
1. New section for Lab-Grown Diamonds

1.1. In main menu Lab-Grown Diamonds shown as different section.

Separate Cutwise account is needed to add and manage Lab-Grown Diamonds stock.

Video with Lab-Grown BackOffice: 

More tutorial videos for BackOffice – March 18th, 2019. Cutwise v.4.2: Release notes

Contact us for more information. 

1.2. Cutwise Widget template for Lab-Grown Diamonds: 


1.3. All Cutwise features (like Optical Performance Evaluation, DiBox data upload, compare, public collections, listings and other) available for Lab-Grown Diamonds section. 

Sample collection with Lab-Grown Diamonds: 


Other Improvements

1. Optical Performance Evaluation explanation on product page

2. Calculate spread without HPO report

Now, if the diamond hasn’t HPO report but has DiBox 2.0 data, spread will be calculated. Spread from DiBox 2.0 is less accurate, it has wider range on spread scale.

Sample of diamond with this spread score: https://cutwise.com/diamond/38522 

Spread grades are available by default at Product Listing. 

3. Bugfixes

  • No labels