The 'Light Control' tool ('Hardware' tab, right panel) allows to control the lighting of the microscope directly from the application GUI. 

For each type of lighting the panel has its own group of controllers, and the main dial-slider (with star icon).

How to use lighting controllers

  • To change the brightness of the light diodes, you can use the Mouse Wheel on the controller or dragging of the dial-slider by the Left Mouse Button.
  • Furthermore, it is possible to quickly switch between the brightness presets on the Middle Mouse Button (0%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100%).
  • To turn off the required group of light diodes, simply Right Mouse click on the appropriate controller.


  1. magnet is not necessary for full motorized Mbox

    1. Light controls GUI is generated on the fly depending on particular hardware configuration. So if magnet is absent, the will be no control for it in the panel.