These parameters are applicable to the Brilliant cut.

Girdle Verticality

Alias: GirdleVerticality

Girdle facets average slope deviation from vertical in degrees.


Thу larger area the facet with the deviation from vertical has the more it affects visually the stone. That is why the areas of the Girdle facets are includedintothe calculation.

In User Interface

Recut > Appraiser = "MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound" > Show Editor > the Cut tab.


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All full reportsMain ParametersAvg°GIRDLE_VERTICALITY

Girdle Slope Deviation Max

Alias: GirdleSlopeDeviationMax

Maximum girdle facet slope deviation from GirdleVerticality in degrees.


We take every Girdle facet, calculate its deviation from vertical (A-90), then compare it to average deviation from vertical (GirdleVerticality) for this stone, then from all found values we select the maximum. It is GirdleSlopeDeviationMax.

In User Interface

Recut > Appraiser = "MyRound | GIA Facetware + MyRound" > Show Editor > the Symmetry tab.


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All full reportsMain ParametersAvg°GIRDLE_SLOPE_DEVIATION_MAX
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