Scan repeatability test, known in HPP, is also available in HPO.

To test scan repeatability:

  • Scan your stone.
  • In the Scan mode, on the right panel, click Export Report Data > Compare scans. The data about your current scan will be added to the repeatability test report.
  • Repeat steps 1-2 to add more scans to test. The number of added scans is displayed in the Compare scans (x exported) menu.
  • To view the repeatability report, in the Compare scans (x exported) menu, click the  Make detailed report button. The brief and detailed reports will be opened in .txt format.
  • To obtain a brief or detailed report in Excel format, import created .txt files into Excel.
  • To start new repeatability report, in the Compare scans (x exported) menu, click the  Delete cumulative report button. All previous scans data will be deleted.
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