Video | Allocation - Solutions diversity by Cut, Grade and Clarity
Published:2023, November 27Last Updated: 2023, November 27v.1.1

Video summary:

  • Global allocation algorithms prioritize finding the most price-effective solution based on a given price list. The value of a particular diamond to a company depends on various factors beyond its carat price alone.
  • We offer users the ability to customize modern algorithms for obtaining more diverse solutions in terms of cut, grade, and clarity. So users can access more choices and improve decision-making.
  • If you set Cut Diversity to N%, after finding best solution, the algorithms initiate searches for solutions with a price higher than [Best_Solution_Price * (100% - N%)] for each diamond cut. Consequently, for each cut, a solution will be obtained if it differs from the best solution by less than N%. The same principle applies to Grade and Clarity Diversity as well.
  • Default values are cut diversity at 20%, grade diversity at 10%, and clarity diversity at 5%
  • Attention. The default settings of Diversity levels slow down the algorithm by approximately two times when working with 10 cuts. It is not recommended to use values above 30%.

Video keywords: Seamless technological pipeline, preplan, Recognition, intermediate iteration, plan, accumulated data, model-matching technology, technological stages, Sawing, Table Polishing, Blocking, Galahad Preplan, Sawing Preplan, Carbon Viewer.


Published in:Release Notes

2024-01-12 - HP Carbon 1.11.10


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