Video | MESM for blocking
Published:2023, April 14Last Updated: 2023, April 14v.3.0

Video summary:

  • А new algorithm: "MESM for blocking" is developed. The algorithm "MESM for blocking" finds a Minimum Enclosing Symmetrical Model.
  • After finding minimum enclosing symmetrical model the algorithm pushes the facets by technological allowances. This is required to not damage the SmartRecut solution because of hardware errors.
  • Then the algorithm pushes sets of adjacent facets on the pavilion and on the crown. They will remain on the diamond after blocking. These facets can be used as reference to determine the orientation of the model after blocking in the SmartRecut solution basis.
  • Solutions name contains number of reference facets.
  • The MESM algorithm is adapted for cuts with a non-convex girdle

Video keywords: MESM, blocking, algorithm description, presets, updates 


Published in:Release Notes

2023-06-03 - HP Carbon 1.9.2


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